Magic methods in php are
some predefined function by php compiler which executes on some event.
Magic methods start with prefix __, for example __call, __get, __set.
List of List of Magic Methods in PHP
Magic Method
This magic methods is called when someone create object of your class. Usually this is used for
creating constructor in php5.
This magic method is called when object of your class is unset. This is just opposite of
This method called when your object attempt to read property or variable of the class
which is inaccessible or unavailable.
This method called when object of your class attempts to
set value of the property which is really inaccessible or unavailable in
your class.
This magic methods trigger when isset() function is
applied on any property of the class which isinaccessible or unavailable.
__unset is something opposite of isset method. This method
triggers when unset() function
called on inaccessible or unavailable property of the class.
__call magic method trigger when you are attempting to
call method or function of the class which is either inaccessible or
__callstatic execture when inaccessible or unavailable
method is in static context.
__sleep methods trigger when you are going to serialize your class object.
__wakeup executes when you are un serializing any
class object.
__toString executes when you are using echo on your
__invoke called when you are using object of your class as
Above list is the most conman used magic
methods in php object oriented programming. Above magic methods of php
executes on some specif events occur on your class object. For example if
you simply echo your object then __toString method trigger. Let us create group
of related magic method and analyze how it is working.
__construct and
__destruct magic method in PHP
__construct method trigger on creation of object. And
__destruct triggers of deletion of object. Following is very basic example of __construct and __destruct magic method in php:
class test{
function __construct(){
echo 1;
function __destruct(){
function __destruct(){
echo 2;
$objT = new test(); //__construct get automatically executed and print 1 on screen
unset($objT);//__destruct triggers and print 2.
$objT = new test(); //__construct get automatically executed and print 1 on screen
unset($objT);//__destruct triggers and print 2.
__get __set __call and __callStatic Magic Methods
__get, __set, __call and __callStatic all magic methods in php directly related with no accessible method and property of the class.__get takes one argument and executes when any inaccessible property of the method is called. It takes name of the property as argument.
__set takes two property and executes when object try to set value in inaccessible property. It take first parameter as name of the property and second as the value which object is try to set.
__call method fires when object of your class is trying to call method of property which is either non accessible or not available. It takes 2 parameter First parameter is string and is name of function. Second parameter is an array which is arguments passed in the function.
__callStatic is a static magic method. It executes when any method of your class is called by static techniques.
Following is example of __get , __set , __call and
__callStatic magic methods
class test {
echo "__get executed with name $name ";
__set($name , $value){
echo "__set executed with name $name , value $value";
function __call($name , $parameter){
$a = print_r($parameter , true); //taking recursive array in
echo "__call executed with name $name , parameter $a";
static function __callStatic($name ,
$a = print_r($parameter , true); //taking recursive array in
echo "__callStatic executed with name $name , parameter
$a = new test();
$a->abc = 3;//__set will executed
$app = $a->pqr;//__get will triggerd
$a->getMyName('ankur' , 'techflirt',
'etc');//__call willl be executed
test::xyz('1' , 'qpc' ,
'test');//__callstatic will be executed
__isset and __unset magic methods in php are opposite of
each other.
__isset magic methods executes when function isset() is applied on property which is not available or not defined. It takes name of the parameter as an argument.
__unset magic method triggers when unset() method is applied on the property which is either not defined or not accessible. It takes name of the parameter as an argument.
Following is example of __isset and __unset magic method in php
__isset magic methods executes when function isset() is applied on property which is not available or not defined. It takes name of the parameter as an argument.
__unset magic method triggers when unset() method is applied on the property which is either not defined or not accessible. It takes name of the parameter as an argument.
Following is example of __isset and __unset magic method in php
class test {
echo "__isset is called for $name";
echo "__unset is called for $name";
$a = new test();