Its very easy to upload or publish Android Apps on google play store
Follow below steps.
1. Generate APK File.
a. Edit AndroidManifest.xml write (android:debuggable="false") in application tag
android:debuggable="false" >
b. Click on File -> Export -> Export Android Application -> Next -> Browse Project -> Next -> Create new keystore and select Location folder and then write File name same to your application name and click on Save -> Write Password and confirm password -> Next
c. Fill and Write complete form Alias name, password and confirm password same as previous window. Validity years 25. First and Last Name, Organizational Unit, Organization, City or Location, Sate or Province, Country Code like "India". and click Next
d. Browse location or Destination APK file and Click Finish
2. Create Account and Upload APK for publish Apps
a. Buy Account on Google play store with $25
b. Go to your Google Play Developer Console ( )
c. Near the top of the screen, click Add new application.
d. Using the drop down menu, select a default language and add a title for your app.
e. Type the name of your app as you want it to appear in Google Play.
f. Select Upload APK or Prepare Store Listing to add your app's information.
g. Browse your APK and upload
3. Compleate fill information which is show in 3 tab
a. APK
i. Upload APK file
b. Store Listing
i. Fill compleate information which show in form
Title, Short description, Full description, At least 2 screenshots and Max 8, screenshots, 7-inch tablet, 10-inch tablet, Hi-res icon, 32-bit PNG (with alpha), Feature Graphic, JPG or 24-bit PNG (no alpha), Application type , Category, Content rating , Website, Email , Privacy Policy and click sate.
c. Pricing & Distribution
i. Check countries which you want to live.
4. Select published on drop down right side up corner
Follow below steps.
1. Generate APK File.
a. Edit AndroidManifest.xml write (android:debuggable="false") in application tag
b. Click on File -> Export -> Export Android Application -> Next -> Browse Project -> Next -> Create new keystore and select Location folder and then write File name same to your application name and click on Save -> Write Password and confirm password -> Next
c. Fill and Write complete form Alias name, password and confirm password same as previous window. Validity years 25. First and Last Name, Organizational Unit, Organization, City or Location, Sate or Province, Country Code like "India". and click Next
d. Browse location or Destination APK file and Click Finish
2. Create Account and Upload APK for publish Apps
a. Buy Account on Google play store with $25
b. Go to your Google Play Developer Console ( )
c. Near the top of the screen, click Add new application.
d. Using the drop down menu, select a default language and add a title for your app.
e. Type the name of your app as you want it to appear in Google Play.
f. Select Upload APK or Prepare Store Listing to add your app's information.
g. Browse your APK and upload
3. Compleate fill information which is show in 3 tab
a. APK
i. Upload APK file
b. Store Listing
i. Fill compleate information which show in form
Title, Short description, Full description, At least 2 screenshots and Max 8, screenshots, 7-inch tablet, 10-inch tablet, Hi-res icon, 32-bit PNG (with alpha), Feature Graphic, JPG or 24-bit PNG (no alpha), Application type , Category, Content rating , Website, Email , Privacy Policy and click sate.
c. Pricing & Distribution
i. Check countries which you want to live.
4. Select published on drop down right side up corner